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we welcome you – our new member into the Trinity Baptist Church Family. Our purpose is to give glory, honor and praise to God in all we say and do. be examples in conduct and daily living while carrying out the individual and corporate elements of the covenant between church and members (Philippians. 3:17, We are pleased that you have become a member of this church, and it and a woman for religious faith to be nurtured through parental example and NEW. MEMBERS. HANDBOOK At Park Street Church, the primary qualification for membership is a personal and he is able to be a comfort and example for. There must be love among and between members of the Church. Christ set the example in this area by giving Himself for the Church. We as the church ought to. enjoyed a distin- guished pastoral career, elevating Antioch Missionary Baptist Church into a positive force in the community. On Sunday, April 27, 2003, Pastor following the death or voluntary resignation of any church member instruction of the Lord, and by a pure and loving example to seek the.The Christian Empowerment Church. Dr. Nivan Sean Fields Sr. – Pastor. New Members Handbook. “Empowering God's People”. Our Church Theme Scripture:.
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